Monday, December 14, 2009

Crayon colored pillowcases

First I traced a picture onto the paper side of a piece of freezer paper. Then I cut a piece of white fabric to 40.5" x 24.5"
I centered the freezer paper on the wrong side of the fabric and ironed the shiny side
to back of the fabric.
Then I traced the picture onto the right side of the fabric using a light table(a widow could be used too) with a sharpie.
I let my kids color the pictures in with crayons.
Then I put a piece of paper over the picture and ironed it (to set the crayon, and keep my iron clean).
Finally I sewed them into pillowcases.
The top is a piece cut to 12.5" x 40.5" folded in half.
The ruffle is 3.5" x 80" then pleated
2" x 40.5" folded in half.
Hope this all makes sense, if not, feel free to ask me any questions.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas Fun 2009

I wanted to do some fun activities with my kids. This is what I came up with.
I am going to print them on cardstock, cut them out, then put them in a jar for
the kids to choose each morning at breakfast.
I had a million more ideas, but had to limit myself to 23.
Oh well I will have fun next year too.

*Cinnamon Ornament recipes

**To draw on fabric, I am going to iron freezer paper to the back of a cheap cotton fabric. Then let the kids draw pics with crayon on the fabric. And then iron it with a sheet of paper between the iron and fabric to set it. Then I am going to make a pillow or pillow case out of it afterwards.

***Craft Stick Christmas Tree

****Marshmallow fondant

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Giving Thanks...
Preschool was at my house this week. Tuesday, was the same as always, but on Thursday, one of the other moms came over too. We did a lot of different activities, and crafts and not a lot of talking. I really wanted to teach the kids that Thanksgiving is more than just eating food. So I made sure that we talked a lot about being grateful.
First we made "Thanks" signs with Elmer's glue and food(beans, couscous, and dried peas).
Then I let the kids make(shaped) rolls (I made dough in the bread maker and
had it set to finish at about 45 minutes after they got here).
And my friend helped the kids make hats. Then we let the kids make butter
(to put on the rolls, of course).
I used heavy whipping cream, so it didn't
take very long. Also when the kids got tired we
took a turn helping them shake it.
The last thing we did was make pine cone turkeys.
Using pinecones, felt, googly eyes, pipe cleaners, and hot glue(an adult's job).
My kids did not have time to finish their signs, so after the others left, we finished them.
I even made one, since there was an extra piece of foam core board.
After I finished, the girls were still not done, so I made a turkey too.
What a fun day! I love, love, love crafting with the kids!!!!!

The Last Minute Frock GROSGRAIN GIVEAWAY!!!! (with free bonus pattern in post)

The Last Minute Frock GROSGRAIN GIVEAWAY!!!! (with free bonus pattern in post)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Letter Hunting...

Today we went for a letter hunt in our neighborhood. I used the "big" camera, and let the girls use the "little" camera. They love taking pictures. And they loved looking for letters.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Leaf Dipping!
I wanted to preserve the color of the leaves that we found the other day, so we dipped them in wax.
It is easy!
Put a smaller can into a larger can (mine were 15 oz, and 28 oz), but any cans would work.
Fill the larger one with water to about an inch from the top (when the other can is inside) and put a small amount of water in the bottom of the smaller can and a block (1/4 lb) of parafin wax.
The wax will float to the top, then just dip the leaves in the wax and allow to cool on waxed paper.

Easy, and fun. Easy enough for even small children, just tell them to hold the end on the stem, and only give them long stemmed leaves.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I made this skirt out of the scraps from a quilt I just finished. It is just a simple elastic waist skirt. And for the shirt. I have been making dresses for my girls and some of my nieces. When I was cutting them out, I accidentally cut out 4 backs and no fronts in the size 2T. So rather than waste them, I cut out fronts and sleeves. And made two shirts. I used the same pattern as I did for the white dresses I made for my girls, but instead of using elastic thread, I made a casing for the sleeves and used 1/4" elastic. After she put it on, I thought it would look better with a sash. So I cut a 3" strip serged the top and long side, turned it, then topstitched the long side and both ends. I love how it turned out.
Our big project!!!

After sanding the top...
Rather than sand the legs, I painted them black.
All done, moved in, and set for use. YAY!!!!!

I got a free table from my neighbors, so I decided to refinish it. I started over a month ago, and it would have been done sooner. But since I don't really know what I am doing, I made a bit of a mess of it. After I finished sanding it, I stain/varnished it. That is when my bad sanding job became apparant. So my husband helped me out. He sanded it some and sprayed on a ton of varnish to fill in all my sanding marks. Oh well it turned nice in the end.
While I was off playing on Saturday, he moved it into the house. Isn't he awesome?!?!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dresses for the girls

I have been looking for a pattern for a cute peasant dress. I found this one (the Lily Top), and I love it. And best of all it was EASY! I made one for all three girls. The first took a little longer, because I kept making silly mistakes and having to unpick, but the last one took only about 2 hours including cutting it out. I had to add an extra ruffle for the oldest one, because it was too short. So, I made roses on the ruffle. I love how it turned out.

To make the roses: Cut fabric on the grain (along the selvage) about 1/4 - 1/2 inch then rip into a long strip about 1/4 -1/2 inch wide. Then just twist the fabric loosely as go and wrap around to form a rose. Then pin it where you want to sew and sew it on in a roundish pattern. It doesn't matter if it in not perfect, it all works out. They are fun! I did 6 of them on the ruffle (3 on front and 3 on back). I think I am going to try and make flowers for the girls hair using the same technique. I'll let you know how they work out, and post pics.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Grab one of my buttons

I try to update this site regularly if not weekly. If you want you can grab a button, and check out my crafts.
Grab one of my buttons!

Alternative Name

target="_blank" href="">
<img src=""
alt="Alternative Name"/></a>

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sponge balls

As our craft on the 24th we made sponge balls. All you do is cut a 3 regular sponge into 5 long strips. Then stack them together so that they are all the same length, and tie them together with twine, yarn, or any other reasonably strong string.

When they are done, dip in water and use them just like you would a water ballon.

Monday, July 20, 2009


I found this project in my Family Fun magazine. I decided to play it when my husband was home, and he really got into it. He made bubble mountains, hats for the kids, then finally he got out the air compressor. It was a blast for the whole family. Even L got into it, and played with some of the bubbles, just before she tried to eat them.

To make them, you an old towel (the thicker the towel the harder it is to blow), a water bottle, a rubber band, and soap.
1. Cut the bottom off the water bottle.
2. Cut the towel a few inches larger than the bottom of the water bottle.
3. Secure the towel to the cut end with the elastic.
4. Dip in very soapy water and blow through the top to make foam snakes.

It is really fun for everyone, and best of all it is really cheap since you probably have all of the supplies lying around your house.

We had so much fun yesterday, the kids wanted to do it again with their friends today. I am pretty sure these will get a lot of use this summer.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Sometimes crazy days are the best days!

Then shortly after she got home I got a wild hair, and wanted to see if I could paint their faces.

I had so much fun painting their faces, that I decided to do it at the extended family "camping" trip. So of course I had to go get better brushes, and face make-up crayons. I also got glitter. I hope the kids all like it. I also found some fun ideas of what to paint online, and printed them out. This was the best site I found.

Currant Jam!

Day 1

When I told my sister that I would make her currants into jam, I had no idea that it was going to be a 3 day process.
First I took all of the miniscule berries off the stems. Thank goodness I let Abby and Ellie help with this task. Abby helped sort and destem, and Ellie picked up the ones I dropped, and dumped the garbage bowl. It is surprising how much help a 2 1/2 year old and a 4 1/2 year old can be.

Day 2

Make juice from some of the currants, then boil 1 cup currant juice with 8 cups currants and 4 cups sugar for 5 minutes. Allow to sit in a cool place for 12-18 hours.

Day 3
Add 3 cups sugar, and stir to dissolve. Boil rapidly for 30 minutes (or 2 hours) until it gets to gelling point. Then pour hot jam into hot jars and process for 15 minutes.

Yeah its done! It is yummy, but we shall see if I make it again.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Edible Playdoh

Although we did this last week, I am just getting around to posting it. I have been wanting to make this for months now.

Step one
Mix peanut butter, powdered milk, and honey together in a bowl. About equal parts. Add flour if needed to get a good consistency.
Knead and add color.

Step two
Enjoy your greasy goodness! Although I do think the addition of flour would make it less greasy.

It really is easier than pie, but the kids were way impressed and had a ball with it. I even froze what the kids didn't eat the first day to use the next day. Just as fun the next day!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Summer dress for blondie!

I made this dress out of a man's button-up shirt from D.I. I love how it looks on her, but then again I think she could make a burlap bag look cute!
Happy National Doughnut Day! I had no idea that it was National Doughnut Day until last night, when I told my neighbor girls that we were making them. We were going to make them last night, but the girls wanted to play with water balloons with the girls next door, instead. Way more fun today anyway, since the baby was asleep while we were making them! And yep I totally cooked in my high heels and a skirt. I'm feeling so June Clever today. Maybe before Russ comes home, I'll change the ribbon in my hair to a fresh one too. hahaha Just in case you didn't get that last one. It was totally in a For Strength of Youth Pamphlet from the 50's or 60's can't remember which, but I actually did see a copy in my high school seminary class.

Sour Cream Doughnuts

4 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
3 large eggs
1 1/4 cups granulated sugar
1 cup (8-ounces) sour cream
Vegetable oil for frying

2 cups powdered sugar
1/3 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Measure and whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cinnamon in a medium bowl and set aside.
In a large mixing bowl, beat eggs well with an electric mixer, slowly add the sugar, beating constantly. Add the sour cream, mixing well. Stir in the flour mixture just until well blended. Chill dough for several hours or overnight. (I only chilled it for an hour and it worked.)
Preheat deep-fat fryer or Dutch oven to 375*F (190*C).
Roll dough out on a lightly floured surface to 1/2-inch thickness. Cut with a floured doughnut cutter. Allow doughnuts to set for 10 minutes.
Carefully slide 2 or 3 doughnuts into the hot oil, making sure not to crowd the pan. Fry until golden brown, about 2 minutes per side. Remove doughnuts using tongs or wire-mesh strainer. Drain on paper towels.
Combine the glaze ingredients together in a small bowl, mixing well.
Dip warm doughnuts into glaze on both sides and allow excess to drip off. Place doughnuts on wire racks to dry. ( Be sure to place waxed paper beneath the racks to catch any drips.)
Makes about 2 dozen doughnuts.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Homemade chalk

I found a recipe for homemade chalk online, and thought it sounded like fun. I have been meaning to do it for a while, but haven't gotten to it. So I invited a friend over and we made it together. The kids had an O.K. time the day we made it, but they really loved coloring with it the next day.

My friend and I even got in on the fun. I traced her, then she traced me.

To make homemade chalk
1/4 cup plaster of paris
2 T water
tempra paint or food coloring (til color is to your liking)

Grease inside of plastic eggs with vaseline, using extra at edges. Put the halves in an empty egg carton. Mix plaster of paris, water, and paint or food coloring (although the color comes off a bit more on your hands with food coloring). When mixed pour into greases egg halves almost to the top. Allow to set up for a few minutes, then put them together and shake to combine. Let them set up for 24 hours, then open the eggs. You may need to use a knife to get in the crack to open eggs.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


So I have been noticing that the kids are not very creative lately. So I decided to show them as many things as I could think of to do with paper. When I got the square plates, I saved the paper that they wrapped them in. The kids loved it because it was so huge.
Anyway, first we drew to a fun book called "Harold and the Purple Crayon", then I told them a story, and made a shirt. I taped it so that it would stay together on them.

Then we cut it into a snowflake (that I messed up on, and it ended up with a huge middle hole). So, we made it into a veil. Then we got into the dress-up box and made a dress out of 2 scarves, and "flowers" out of two furry boas.

More dresses for my baby!

So I had so much fun making the last dress for the baby, and it looked adorable on her. So I made a couple more. I love how they turned out. 

Monday, May 18, 2009

Dress for the baby

I made this dress for the baby out of fat quarters in my stash. I love it!

Screen printed boards

I painted these boards, then screen printed them using my YUDU screen printer. I love how they turned out.